If your wardrobe isn’t helping you save time and make money - it’s not doing its job properly.

Your Secret Weapon

Your Secret Weapon

Hello! I’m Samantha. And I’m a secret weapon of some of the best-dressed women in your industry.

I help female founders, leaders, and women in corporate elevate their style and magnetise their personal brand, so they get noticed and make more money.

  • You feel like an imposter at work - you need to be a BOSS but your clothes make you feel more like the intern

  • You’re determined to get that promotion - but your wardrobe is holding you back

  • You haven’t quite stepped into the identity of the woman you need to be and you find yourself being all, ‘oh I just kinda do this little business thing, no big deal.’

  • No one taught you how the hell to dress, and you constantly feel like you’ve ‘got it wrong’

  • Deciding what to wear is taking up wayyyy too much brain space, time and money, that could be MUCH better spent changing the f*ing world.

You’re here because…

I get it.

You’ve worked your butt off to get to where you are… but you’re still walking around feeling like the intern.

Your head is full of worries about getting ‘found out’ - even though you’re f*ing great at what you do.

You keep wondering when you’ll truly feel like the boss.

But then you have to go to a big meeting, and when you can’t find an outfit in that messy wardrobe of yours, you feel even worse.

I know how you feel. I was a woman in leadership too, and no one EVER had a conversation with me about what the hell I was supposed to wear.

Getting dressed is the one thing we have to do for work every day without fail - and it can make a massive difference to your productivity, your confidence and ultimately, your bank balance.

Those old clothes you’ve had for a while might have got you here - but they sure as hell won’t get you to where you want to go.

You need a strategy that helps you stand out in a sea of boring, generic workwear, so you can snag that promotion or those clients, and become THE go-to expert in your industry.

  • You are looking to get a promotion into senior leadership within the next 6 months. 

  • You want to hit 5-figure months in business within the next 6 months or go abundantly over that VAT threshold, stat.

  • You want to be an industry leader and book paid speaking gigs or media opportunities with confidence

work with me, if

My clients feel like they own the world… are you next?

I’m not here to tell you what to wear, or stifle you with more confusing rules, or tell you that your body is the shape of a fruit or a kitchen utensil. Snore.

I’m here to help you Own the Room.

My business is helping your business make money, through the power of your personal style and magnetic personal brand. I’m not a run-of-the-mill stylist who’s going to give you a colour fan and send you on your way. I am a qualified coach with 17 years’ newsroom experience, managing big teams and big budgets. I’ve appeared in media, spoken on international stages, consulted for government departments, grown an online community of 15,000 and helped 100s of women save time and make money through the power of their wardrobes. I’m your career’s New Best Friend and this is a business investment*

*but you also get to look and feel absolutely awesome because of it.


For female entrepreneurs who are going to hit 6-figures and beyond, or women in corporate looking for their next high-level promotion. You need to step up your style and get visible. This is my highest-proximity, hands-on service.

Style Strategy Experience

You’re the type of woman who gets sh*t done. You value having close-proximity to an expert who can help you lock this down in a day, so then you save loads of time and start using your wardrobe as a money-making tool ASAP.

Own the Room - nail your style

In this programme you’ll get everything you need to level-up your wardrobe so it’s ready for consistent £5k months. Wardrobe woes, be gone!

Working with me is for you, if:

  • You’ve just got a promotion, or you’re running a business and… your wardrobe doesn’t match your aspirations

  • The thought of picking out something to wear for an event or meeting fills you with dread

  • You hate shopping or don’t have the time for it because you’re so busy with life and business.

  • When you sit down and review your purchases, you realise you're spending a fortune but nothing ever seems to fit or work for you

  • You’re looking for someone who can hold you accountable, help you take action and work towards your goals

  • You’ve spent what feels like forever wearing leggings and loungewear and you want a bit of your sparkle so you can confidently go back to the office

  • You want to move past your limiting beliefs and commit to a clear strategy for your development

  • You are committed to taking action, because quite frankly you're sick of your own BS.

The Style Editor.

Personal styling + mindset coaching

I am trained in Personal and Professional Styling and in Life & Success Coaching.

Techniques and modalities I’ve trained in are NLP, EFT, TIME, Human Design and hypnosis. I have completed these techniques with Yes Supply, at the time, an ICF-accredited coaching training provider.